Student Essay Contest

Currently enrolled undergraduate students are invited to submit analytical essays focusing on the work of C. S. Lewis or a related author.  Essays should not exceed ten double-spaced pages, excluding Works Cited page.  The student with the winning essay will receive a cash prize of $500.  Two $100 second prizes will also be awarded. Contest winners must be able to attend the colloquium and will receive free registration, room, and board.  Deadline for student essays is March 31, 2014.

Please send student contest essays to Dr. Pamela Jordan-Long, Colloquium Chair, by E-mail at or by post to Dr. Pamela Jordan-Long / Professional Writing Department / Taylor University / Upland, IN  46989.  Include your name, address, telephone number, email address and school affiliation.


  1. Thanks for sharing this site. When constructing your essays thoughts, always consider your audience. And think of a better way how to approach the topic to ensure that the readers will find relevant and interesting.


  2. I can C.s lewis with Bentham. I would like to take account Jeremy Bentham's concept of political and personal philosophy of maximizing collective happiness. Consider this, if we take account the collective happiness, we can definitely say that we are living in a good society. A good society that considers the happiness for the greater good.

    Jessica M. Millis
    4667 Corbin Branch Road
    Contact Site:
